Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top 5 random thoughts while riding today . . .

5) Thanks Mark for giving me an iPod for my birthday!  The music is great for the ride.

4) "I am a firework!"  Yikes, just learned the song is by Katy Perry.

3) "How am I getting a headwind on my ride out and my ride back?"

2) "Listen to your child when she points at the cyclist approaching on the path and move out of the center of the path!  Please!  These tires don't do grass."

wait for it, wait for it.

1) As I ride along I often think about the upcoming event and the monstrous hill I will ride in Vegas, and also the fundraising task at hand.  Today, I thought about my upcoming deadline and how I told my coach in May, "Oh, I'm not afraid about the fundraising aspect.  I used to raise money for a living."  He didn't really respond to that comment.  Now, I realized he should have responded like Yoda.


The adventure continues!

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, Honey! It's been encouraging today to hear about a lot of the things that happened all at once this morning.
