Sunday, September 2, 2012

       Well, I'm sitting in bed and have been since Friday at around 6pm. In running my daughter 10 hours away to college last weekend and teaching full-time, I've caught a bug. Rats! As I have been trying to mend I have wondered how those with more threatening illnesses do life. How do they get to work each day? How do they care for the kids? It must be an extreme challenge! I would love to ride 90 miles this weekend (OK, I don't know if love is the correct adjective), but simply cannot. I have come to the end of my energy and resources.

         I guess this might be an example of when The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society steps in and supports these families. Whether it is encouragement, financial resources, or maybe just a lift to another doctor's appointment. I am thankful to have given some time this summer to support such a worthy cause. And following their example, I think I will continue to encourage my teammates as we prepare for our big ride. I know I'm not the only one down this weekend. I think physically we all are in a tough and weary spot and our emotions need a little boost.

       Thank you to all my friends and family who have made this journey possible. I have learned so much this summer about setting goals, determining the best path to reach those goals, and just getting out there and doing the dirty work. Thanks again!