Monday, July 30, 2012

Team in Training Rally

Here is our team of cyclists.  Our coach, Brent (in the grey), gives us the route.

Before we received our instructions, the marathoners were gathered for tips, encouragement, and a SHOUT OUT as to who they were running for.  Several named a loved one, a few their team's hero, and one was running for me.  The team leader was definitely a motivating coach!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

  Don't have anything profound to write today.  I had something Friday, but it has since left my brain.  This weekend was a busy weekend.  Between Friday and Saturday, Mark and I rode 90 miles.  Most of the time we avoided the heat, although Saturday around noon I thought I was riding in a sauna.  It was just plain hot!
    Saturday and Sunday I did a fundraiser at Walmart, which required me to stand in the heat for about 5 hours each day.  It was successful, and I'm excited to say that I have reached the 50% mark on my fundraising goal.  On Monday, I signed the recommitment papers and I will be riding in Vegas in September.  AMAZING!
    We were surprised Sunday afternoon with surprise guests from out of town.  Our wonderful neighbors from Southern California were traveling through the U.S. with their R.V., and dropped by for a quick visit. It was wonderful to catch up what's new in San Berdo, but also to watch them interact with our daughters as all four enjoy singing and choir.
     I also learned of their loss because of cancer.  There son, and wonderful man and father, passed away from colon cancer last year.  He was such a helpful, cheerful man.  I can remember sharing a margarita or two, and much laughter with Steve, either at their kitchen table or out back on their porch.  He will be missed!
     As I ride each week, I strive to remember: those who have lost loved ones, those who are fighting cancer, and those who have passed away.  Their struggle is much more difficult than my temporary pain.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

As I work toward the finish line, I enjoyed the following song today.  I dedicate it to those who have fought cancer, are fighting cancer, or lost a loved one to cancer.  I discovered the song during a long, cold, Nebraska winter. At the time I was feeling low and my eyes were focused downward.  May you be encouraged to tackle whatever battles come your way this week.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top 5 random thoughts while riding today . . .

5) Thanks Mark for giving me an iPod for my birthday!  The music is great for the ride.

4) "I am a firework!"  Yikes, just learned the song is by Katy Perry.

3) "How am I getting a headwind on my ride out and my ride back?"

2) "Listen to your child when she points at the cyclist approaching on the path and move out of the center of the path!  Please!  These tires don't do grass."

wait for it, wait for it.

1) As I ride along I often think about the upcoming event and the monstrous hill I will ride in Vegas, and also the fundraising task at hand.  Today, I thought about my upcoming deadline and how I told my coach in May, "Oh, I'm not afraid about the fundraising aspect.  I used to raise money for a living."  He didn't really respond to that comment.  Now, I realized he should have responded like Yoda.

The adventure continues!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Let me introduce you to Sasha.  Ok, this really isn’t Sasha, but Sasha had a similar swimsuit on when I met her.  She looked so cute in the ruffled skirt.  Can you guess what her favorite color is?  Red.  How did I miss that?

Friday night I was painting faces at a 4th of July celebration.  I decided this is one way that I could raise funds form my TNT event in September.  My daughter, Heather, always loved having her face painted so I thought I’d give it a try.

When I first met Sasha I wondered about her short silvery hair.  Some girls like short hair, but this was really short.  I didn’t ponder it very long because I was busy helping her choose what design she would like painted on her check.  She chose a stencil with one big heart and two little hearts. Above the hearts was the word, LOVE.  I then asked, “What color would you like?”  She responded firmly, "Red!" How could I have missed it?  She was wearing a red swimsuit with little white polka dots. Red was obviously her favorite color.

One design was not enough.  She also wanted a design on her arm, and then “BFF” on her foot.  As I painted the design on her arm she nonchalantly shared that she had had Lymphoma.  The haircut now made sense.  This little nine year old has been through chemotherapy.  She didn’t talk much about it, but was more interested in her designs, all done in RED.

We talked about Sasha’s BFF and her final design was done.  With a big smile she said thank you and bounced off with her brother to enjoy the evening’s fireworks.  Me, I sat humbled, thankful to have made a young girl smile.

Sasha is my personal hero as I prepare and raise funds for my ride in September.  As I climbed hills on Saturday, I thought of that smile and it encouraged me forward!