Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ok, for the amateurs out there like me.  You can add a comment if you choose the anonymous profile.  I tried it and it worked.  This way it is more than just me adding comments.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Leukemia is the number one cause of death in children between the ages of 1-14 and takes the lives of 50,000 people each year. Through the Leukemia Society’s Team In Training program, I will have a coach, a training regimen, and a great group of cyclists with a common goal. Besides the challenges of training for and cycling 100 miles, I am committed to raising at least $3,000 to support the Leukemia Society in its battle against leukemia.  Would you consider a gift of $10, 20, or 50? Whatever you can contribute matters . . . it all adds up! If you are able and interested in giving a donation, I have listed my webpage below.  Thank you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Training Hill

This is training hill.  From this hill top the only way is down.  Riding 30 miles is easy on paths, but our coach takes us on these hills after about 15 miles.  The final 15-20 miles are a little tougher that I'm used to. :)
Have you heard the quiet whisper, “I can’t?” Early one morning this week, I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep.  I guess I was worried about not riding with the team on Saturday because of an injury and I also began to doubt that I could raise $2,900.  I heard that whisper, “You aren't going to succeed.  You will look silly.  Give up!”  At one point in the morning I thought about some of my prior 4th graders. I pondered about how they might think, "I can't" when attempting multiplication, division, or reading.  I decided after another cup of coffee that I would say, “I can!”  Hopefully in the fall my ride might encourage my future students to say and believe, “I can.” A shout out to all those who have encouraged me to keep on riding by your example of refusing to accept “I can’t,” and believing “I can!” 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Here I am during the Men's College World Series, held every late June in Omaha.  Mark & I are big fans of baseball and enjoy this event.  One of my support coaches recommended selling 'spirit bead' at the event, but it didn't quite work for me.  Whether I'm too old, too shy, and basically don't know how to sell the idea, it was a flop.  As a mom, I guess I knew how to approach the kids, but they wanted them for free! :)  I'm sticking to my area of expertise in the future.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Today was more healing for my 'toe' accident!  The good news is that it isn't as bad as it felt yesterday! I could wear shoes today.

I tried a fund raising ideas at the College World Series, but I think I'm too old for the idea.  So, back to the drawing board again.  I'm trying to think of some ideas around the 4th of July.  Any ideas, let me know.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Well, here it goes.  My first blog.  Hard to believe I was a Computer Science major at one point in my college days.  I guess that was 30 years ago.

Anyway, I plan to track my progress toward riding 118 miles in one day in the hot Las Vegas sun on September 22, 2012.  Let me know when you find this site.